Workshop rate:  (ask for the rate)

Play With The Hands: Classifiers

Presenter: Heath Goodall

3-6 hours

Workshop Description:

Don’t you remember playing with Barbie, Hot Wheels, and much more when you were little? This workshop is not about how to play with the toys! This is actually about Classifiers, and learning how to use them. Classifiers are used to represent nouns and verbs. And lastly, yes, you will play with your hands—not the toys.

As a result of participating in this workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify several levels of classifiers from a video, pictures, and live presentation

• Demonstrate the use of each classifier in a sentence

• Tell a story using each classifier based on linguistic rules

• Improve their skills in describing objects


Presenter: Heath Goodall

3-6 hours

Workshop Description:

Read my lips! Ah, I mean, read my face! This workshop is all about facial expression which is a tone, similar to vocal expression. There are several types of facial expression such as WH- questions, yes/no questions, rhetorical questions (RH-questions), non-manual grammatical markers, non-manual behaviors, non-manual signals, and/or mouthing morphemes. 

As a result of participating in this workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify several levels of facial expression from a video and a live presentation

• Demonstrate the use of each facial expression with mouthing morphemes

• Tell a story using each facial expression based on rules that apply

• Improve skills in describing images and object.

Leaf: Poetry, Storytelling, & the ‘5’ Handshape

Presenter: Heath Goodall

3-6 hours

Workshop Description:

Leaf is one of Heath’s poems and uses the “5” handshape and nothing else! The participants will analyze and discuss “Leaf.” This workshop is not only about “Leaf.” This workshop aims to explore the role of narrator and character in storytelling. The participants will have the chance to exercise role shifting between Narrator and Character. Features such as role shifting, eye gazing, and body features will be presented and demonstrated. ASL literature often features creative uses of signs, handshapes, facial expressions, and classifiers. This workshop also discusses “playing in language” in ASL and analyzes different signs that frequently appear in ASL literature. This workshop will include hands-on activities to explore ways to expand the information in a story without adding new information.

As a result of participating in this workshop, participants will be able to:

• Tell a poem/short story using handshapes and emotions

• Participants will be able to focus on signing space, movements, facial expressive, role-shift, and poetic/story use of ASL

• Participants will be able to identify several levels of facial expression from a video, pictures, and my presentation in person


Presenter: Heath Goodall

3-6 hours

Workshop Description:

ASL? SEE? SEE I? SEE II? PSE? MCE? Which Sign Language should I use? The participants will analyze and discuss different categories. This workshop aims to explore the difference of the sign languages. The workshop is a conceptually based language that uses hand and body position and movement, as well as facial expressions, as opposed to most other languages, which use spoken and written forms of communication. ASL is a different language than English; it is not just hand signals that represent English words that spell sentences in English word order. Rather, ASL has its own vocabulary, grammar rules, common expressions, wordplay, etc. The participants will have the chance to learn different between SEE/SEE I/SEE II/PSE/MCE/ASL. This workshop also discusses “playing in language” in different categories and analyzes different signs that frequently appear in the linguistics.

As a result of participating in this workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify several difference of sign languages from a live presentation

• Demonstrate the use of each sign languages

• Tell a story using each sign languages (lots of laugh, though)


Presenter: Heath Goodall

3-6 hours

Workshop description:

Mime is a form of silent art that involves acting or communicating using only movements, gestures, and facial expressions. Performance of suggesting action, character, or emotion without words, using only gesture, expression, and movement.

As a result of participating in this workshop, participants will be able to:

• learn about mime and how to mime

• perform individually one short mime routine of their own choice (e.g., walking into the wind) ​​​

• perform in pairs a short scene (e.g., sleeping in class and getting scolded)— the original teaching materials focused on this part ​​​​​

• reflect on their performance


Presenter: Heath Goodall

3-6 hours

Workshop Description:

Moby Dick in ASL? Sherlock Holmes in ASL? Etc? Translate from the book to ASL, HOW!? How shall to translation English to ASL from the book? No image? No experience in storytelling? No problem! The participants will analyze the story from the book and discuss how to translate in ASL. This workshop is a conceptually based language that uses hand and body position and movement, as well as facial expressions, as opposed to most other languages, which use spoken and written forms of communication. ASL is a different language than English; it is not just hand signals that represent English words that spell sentences in English word order. Rather, ASL has its own vocabulary, grammar rules, common expressions, wordplay, etc. The participants will have the chance to learn different between English and ASL. This workshop also discusses “playing in language” in between English and ASL that frequently appear in the linguistics.

As a result of participating in this workshop, participants will be able to:

• Analyze English phases and translate to ASL from several books and a live presentation

• Demonstrate English phases and ASL phases

• Tell a story using each sign languages (lots of laugh, though)

PLAY WITH THE HANDS: Classifiers Story Time for the Kids!

Presenter: Heath Goodall

3-6 hours (Depends on the ages/grades)

Workshop Description:

This workshop is for kids only, sorry folks. Don’t you still playing with the toys like, Barbie, Hot Wheels, and much more? This workshop is not about how to play with the toys! This is actually about Classifiers, and learning how to use them. Classifiers are used to represent nouns and verbs. The participants will tell short story with classifier. ASL literature often features creative uses of signs, handshapes, facial expressions, and classifiers. This workshop also discusses “playing in language” in ASL and analyzes different signs that frequently appear in ASL literature. This workshop will include hands-on activities to explore ways to expand the information in a story without adding new information. And lastly, yes, you will play with your hands—not the toys.

As a result of participating in this workshop, participants will be able to:

• Identify several levels of classifiers from a video, pictures, and live presentation

• Demonstrate the use of each classifier in a sentence

• Tell a story using each classifier based on linguistic rules

• Improve their skills in describing objects

Leaf: Poetry, Storytelling, & the ‘5’ Handshape for the Kids

Presenter: Heath Goodall

3-6 hours

Workshop Description:

Leaf is one of Heath’s poems and uses the “5” handshape and nothing else! The participants will analyze and discuss “Leaf.” This workshop is not only about “Leaf.” This workshop aims to explore the role of narrator and character in storytelling. The participants will have the chance to exercise role shifting between Narrator and Character. Features such as role shifting, eye gazing, and body features will be presented and demonstrated. ASL literature often features creative uses of signs, handshapes, facial expressions, and classifiers. This workshop also discusses “playing in language” in ASL and analyzes different signs that frequently appear in ASL literature. This workshop will include hands-on activities to explore ways to expand the information in a story without adding new information.

As a result of participating in this workshop, participants will be able to:

• Tell a poem/short story using handshapes and emotions

• Participants will be able to focus on signing space, movements, facial expressive, role-shift, and poetic/story use of ASL

• Participants will be able to identify several levels of facial expression from a video, pictures, and my presentation in person

ME MIME ME for the Kids!

Presenter: Heath Goodall

1-3 Hours

Workshop Description:

A mime is a form of silent art that involves acting or communicating using only movements, gestures, and facial expressions. Performance of suggesting action, character, or emotion without words, using only gesture, expression, and movement.

In this activity, students:

As a result of participating in this workshop, participants will be able to:

• learn about mime and how to mime

• perform individually one short mime routine of their own choice (e.g., walking into the wind)

• perform in pairs a short scene (e.g., sleeping in class and getting scolded)—the original teaching materials focused on this part;

• reflect on their performance.